SAS Data Analytics Solution for a governmental Police Sector


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Challenge :

The client requires a data analytics solution to classify, discover and prevent crimes in addition to the resource optimization to identify, plan the no. of resources and schedule their assignments under the appropriate business activities.

Remedial Measures:

  • Scope management and tracking.
  • Proper training to client’s team

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">The Approach:

  • The proposed SAS analytics solution will be implemented in 4 phases exploiting incremental approach as

    • Pattern Discovery (Traffic Accidents): Generate insights from traffic accidents data to reduce the number of road accidents and the fatalities through awareness campaigns or deployment of resources.
    • Crime Forecasting: Forecast the crime numbers location wise for different crime types based on historical data of crime, socio demographic factors, modus operandi, etc. and visualize the trends on the geospatial map on a rolling basis.
    • Resource Optimization: Identify and plan the no. of resources (patrol cars, police personnel) and schedule their assignments based on the forecasts generated above on a rolling basis.
    • Crime Matching: Generate a probable list of offenders by assigning criminals to previously unsolved crimes through a set of machine learning techniques on a rolling basis.

DataScience Value add:​

Implement and configure a data analytics solution to classify, discover and prevent crimes in addition to the resource optimization to identify, plan the no. of resources and schedule their assignments under the appropriate business activities.
