Success Story:

Risk Management, Targeting and Intelligence System

The People behind AI

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The project comes as part of the countryโ€™s strategy for 2030 to enhance and improve the traderโ€™s experience and generate more income coming from international trade. This could be done only by improving the turnaround of the shipments and cargo clearance by facilitating the mission of the investigators and equip them with a powerful analytics platform to take the right decisions at the right time


Weโ€™ve implemented Detection and Investigation Solution to support in facilitating the mission of the investigators and equip them with a powerful analytics platform to take the right decisions in real time.

Business Result

  • Faster and more seamless clearance for Low-Risk passengers.
  • Identify potentially High-Risk cargo and couriers through AI.
  • Provide targeting and intelligence management.
  • Decision support for trade clearance process.

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